Laura från Tyskland & Ahsan från Pakistan gifte sig i lördags på vackra Riddersviks Gård.
Det var den varmaste dagen hittills, vi var i ett blommande paradis med fjärilar och gäster influgna bland annat från Islamabad, Hamburg och Paris.
Laura´s mamma berättade i sitt tal att de övervunnit många svårigheter, och att äntligen har två familjer från vitt skilda olika kulturer förenats och lärt sig att respektera och älska varandra. Det som först verkade skrämmande visade sig bli en stor lycka.
Hon avslutade sitt tal med att citera Shakespeare: Allt blir bra till slut, och om det inte är bra är det inte slut.
Jag avslutade Laura och Ahsan´s bröllopsfotografering med att de fick hoppa i sjön på söndagsförmiddagen. När jag berättade om min idé i fredags sade Ahsan till Laura ”Ok I will do it, but you must remember that I am not a god swimmer”.
Den bilden kommer jag komplettera med snart. Jag körde direkt upp till mitt sommarhus vid Hälsingekust efter bröllopshelgen och kommer redigera klart efter några dagars vila.

En fjäril ville vara med i bild, Laura´s mamma och syster följde henne till vigsel.

Igår fick jag mail från laura:
Hi Kicki,
Finally I find the time to give you some feedback and opinion on the received pictures.
Thank you so much once again for being part of this for us so important day!
What you captured through your eyes & lense is amazing. We are so happy with the result and gonna have incredible memories supported by all these special moments you saved & held tight for us..
I always felt like I wasn’t photogenic at all and I must admit I was a bit worried about how the couple pictures would turn out to be before the wedding. But now I realise that it makes such a big difference when you feel comfortable with the person who is taking your photos – when you feel like you don’t have to act. All the couple pictures are just awesome! The feelings, the postures, the moments, the background & settings, and after all our mimics & body language that you were able to catch. These photos couldn’t be more us, just like that whole day was, as well!
We adore all of them and for me it is hard to say what is going to be my personal favourite.
The pictures of the location, details during that day & the guests are beautiful, too! You also made us see some sceneries we would have never experienced in such busy day. Thank you.
The only criticism I might have is that the focus on the guests is not quite even from my perspective. It feels a bit concentrated on a few guests who had more outstanding outfits and were more extrovert than others. But it would have been nice to see some of the other people more often on the pictures, too. Probably time & set up didn’t allow that and they didn’t show up as much.
dear Kicki, all in all we thank you a lot. You did a great job and we hope to see you again!
Take good care of yourself and I hope you will enjoy the rest of the summer.
My warmest regards,