La Suède sauvage, Bruno Liljefors, Petit Palais
In early summer 2024, I drive up to my cabin at the outermost strip of sea, the Hälsinge coast. Bored at E-4, checking email, [...]
In early summer 2024, I drive up to my cabin at the outermost strip of sea, the Hälsinge coast. Bored at E-4, checking email, [...]
It is said that my pictures are a bit mysterious, that they have a streak of darkness and even crime. 13 years as [...]
Straight into Paris fashion week, Chanel Grand Palais 1 October 2024. A little glimpse here. Do you see the craftsmen wearing helmets taking [...]
Some memories from the exhibition "Wild Sweden" General opening 29 September, Private opening 30 September. I was so proud, my two photographs in [...]
Now I long to see my photographs (from the series Dark fairytale) in the exhibition "Bruno Liljefors, La Suède savage" in the Petit palais [...]
The art museum Petit Palais in Paris is exhibiting 100 st Bruno Liljefors and two of my photographs from the Biological Museum. Limited edition 1/3, [...]
Jon Fosse, Nobel Prize 2023 writes "A good picture speaks of what cannot be said in words". For some years I have fantasized [...]
Dramaverse ordered an art photo shoot for the album cover December 2023. I chose to do the photo shoot at Häringe Castle. Here [...]
Sometimes I will tell you about a certain photograph that means a lot to me. I have so many stories to share after [...]
All 16 photographs were sold out in my first exhibition in North America at The Maidstone hotel in East Hampton New York. I am [...]