I have a cabin up north by the sea.
When I came down to the beach last Friday morning, I saw that the sea had stretched out and left visible sandbanks, so beautiful, does it depend on the lunar attraction force? I felt inspired to bring my leica camera and do something. Walked there with my two Scottish dogs and felt the light, thinking about my hats from the Hamptons and Curacao, that I might be able to photograph the neighbor girls Lowisa & Linnea (they have become my muses) last year they were lying dead dead on the rocks at the far end of Korsholm’s cape at sunrise. The year before I photographed them in a forest star behind my house, that picture now belongs to my exhibition, their dad bought a copy.
“They could be naked, or could they? Sensitive with naked, and now they are starting to develop into young women. The girls could paint mustaches with charcoal. I sketched some pictures, usually do so before I bring out the camera, it becomes clear what I want with the photo shoot.
Toward evening, my husband and the girls’ father helped to place the heavy furnitures in the water, and the father carried the girls out in the last evening light before the sun disappeared into the forest behind the house. It looks extremely bright but is about minutes before the magic is gone.